Franchise Cloud Services

We now offer our industry leading eProphet Administration systems as a virtual hosted service in the cloud as an alternative to traditional in-house software installation - giving you true flexibility, mobility and accessibility in how you want to run your Franchise Restaurant operation.

What is the cloud?

The cloud is a common term to describe a new form of internet based computing. With the advent of modern web server technology, faster internet connections and growing online data storage services, has come the ability to run software on remote computers over the internet as if the software was installed on your very own machine. This is also called cloud computing.

How does the cloud benefit me?

The key advantage of the cloud computing approach to your Franchise Restaurant is that your eProphet software can be operated from any computer with a broadband internet connection, meaning there is no need to install anything on a local computer; all that is required is the ability to connect to the virtual cloud server hosting your eProphet software. This makes cloud computing a very attractive option to users who want fast setup times coupled with ability to access software from any place at any time. Furthermore, as all the processing is performed on the virtual PC, complex software calculations can be run very quickly on older devices.


eProphet Admin installed on each device. Each device can be networked.

Standard Setup


eProphet Admin accessed from each device via an internet connection.

Cloud Setup

Is the cloud right for me?

If you have a fast, reliable internet connection and you would like the ability to access your eProphet Accounting and Payroll systems from multiple devices in multiple locations then eProphet Cloud is likely to be a good fit for your usage requirements. If you prefer software to be installed on your local office computer or laptop or you cannot guarantee you will have an adequate internet connection wherever you may be then a traditional software installation mode might be more appropriate.

Regardless of which method you would like to move forwards with now, we offer both methods of operation to you always and it's easy to change from one to the other giving you a choice of software operation methods.

Couple this with our Software as a Service license model and you have the most powerful Franchise Restaurant software at your finger tips when and where you need it without any significant outlay.

For more information on the eProphet Cloud solution and how it might benefit you, contact us for more details on pricing and setup.


Abcom Support

Remote Support
It is recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to launch remote support.